We're here to help you

through CognitiveMind's Continuous Development Programme


CognitiveMind Coaching and Mentoring Skills qualification

The CognitiveMind Coaching and Mentoring skills training aims to lay the foundation for more advanced studying in coaching and/or mentoring while providing each SME business owner, leader, entrepreneur, team/department head, or team/department member with the practical tools for their role within the business; and is designed in a way that allows each person to immediately apply these skills in their personal and professional life.

The course includes:

  1. An understanding of the differences between coaching and mentoring.
  2. Conversation.
  3. Listening.
  4. Questioning.
  5. Beliefs and Values.
  6. Self-esteem / Confidence / Rapport building.
  7. Goal achievement.
  8. Professionalism.

To receive their Certificate, each person will be asked to complete a Reflection of their learning in relation to their current role within their workplace.



Training is a wonderful journey of learning …
… through the sharing of information and knowledge,
experience, guidance, self-discovery and achievement!


CognitiveMind programmes, workshops, and publications

  • CognitiveMind Coaching and Mentoring Skills
    available for purchase on your local Amazon, using reference:

Yes or No

This question usually reflects a deeper inquiry into whether your current circumstances align with your goals, values, and aspirations.  It’s a question about self-reflection and assessing if you're satisfied with your current situation, both personally and professionally.  It's a question that prompts introspection and can lead to personal growth and change if the answer is no.

Knowing if you're where you want to be in life involves examining various aspects of your life and evaluating how they align with your goals, values, and desires.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

Personal Fulfilment:

  • Do you feel fulfilled and content with your personal life?
  • Are you happy with your relationships, hobbies, and activities outside of work?

Career Satisfaction:

  • Are you satisfied with your current job or career path?
  • Does your career provide meaning and fulfilment, or do you feel stuck or unfulfilled?

Financial Stability:

  • Are you financially secure, able to meet your needs and pursue your goals without constant worry about money?

Personal Growth:

  • Are you continuously learning and growing as a person?
  • Do you feel challenged and stimulated intellectually and emotionally?

Health and Well-being:

  • Are you taking care of your physical and mental health?
  • Do you feel energised and balanced, or are you struggling with stress, anxiety, or health issues?

Alignment with Values:

  • Do your current activities, relationships, and goals align with your core values and beliefs?
  • Are you living authentically and in line with what truly matters to you?

Future Aspirations:

  • Do you have clear goals and aspirations for the future?
  • Are you actively working towards them, or do you feel stagnant or directionless?

Reflecting on these questions can help you gain clarity on whether you're where you want to be in life or if there are areas that need adjustment or improvement.

It's also important to remember that life is a journey, and it's okay if your answers evolve over time.

If the answer is ‘Yes’ then you are where you are meant to be and no changes are necessary.

If the answer is ‘No’, contact me to progress through your ‘Where I want to be in my life’ programme.

click here to enquire about this programme

Yes or No

Saying “yes” too often can sometimes lead to overcommitment or agreeing to things you don't actually want to do.  It's important to strike a balance between being agreeable and asserting your own needs and boundaries.  Reflecting on your own experiences and interactions can help you determine if saying "yes" too often is a concern for you.  If it is, practicing saying “no” when necessary can help you maintain a healthier balance in your life.

When you say “yes” too often, several things can happen:


  • You might find yourself with too many responsibilities or tasks because you've agreed to take on more than you can handle.
  • This can lead to stress, burnout, and a decrease in the quality of your work or relationships.

Neglecting Your Own Needs:

  • Constantly saying “yes” to others# may result in neglecting your own needs, whether they are physical, emotional, or mental.
  • This can lead to feelings of resentment, exhaustion, or even physical health issues.

......# others simply means anyone – boss, colleagues, friends, family, significant other, children

Difficulty Prioritising:

  • Saying “yes” indiscriminately and without consideration, can make it challenging to prioritise what truly matters to you.
  • You might find yourself spread too thin across various commitments, without dedicating enough time and energy to the things that are most important to you.

Boundary Issues:

  • Continuously saying "yes" can blur your boundaries, making it difficult to assert yourself and say “no” when necessary.
  • This can lead to feelings of fatigue, being taken advantage of or manipulated by others.

Loss of Authenticity:

  • Saying “yes” too often might lead to a lack of authenticity in your interactions and relationships.
  • If you're constantly agreeing with others without considering your own thoughts and feelings, you may lose a sense of self-awareness and authenticity in your interactions.

Overall, while it's important to be open-minded and willing to help others, it's equally important to know your limits and prioritise your own well-being.

If the answer is “No” then you are where you are meant to be and no changes are necessary.

If the answer is “Yes”, contact me to progress through your “How do I learn to say “no” which is essential for maintaining balance and authenticity in my life” programme.

click here to enquire about this programme

A Short Course in Personal Writing


Journalling is a powerful tool for self-reflection, creativity, and personal growth.  In today’s fast-paced world, taking time to reflect on our thoughts, feelings, and experiences can greatly enhance our well-being and overall quality of life.  This short course aims to guide participants on a transformative journey through the practice of journalling.

Course Overview:

This short course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration to develop a consistent and meaningful journalling practice.  Through a combination of guided exercises, discussions, and personalised feedback, participants will explore various journalling techniques and formats, discovering what works best for them.

click here to enquire about this short course

A Workshop in Reframing Negative Thoughts and Negative Thinking

We all experience negative thoughts from time to time. Whether it's self-doubt, fear of failure, or simply feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges, negative thinking can have a significant impact on our mental health and overall well-being. These thoughts can affect our relationships, our productivity, and how we perceive ourselves and the world around us.

Today's workshop is designed to help you understand these negative thought patterns and learn practical techniques to challenge and reframe them. By the end of our session, you'll have a better understanding of how to identify negative thoughts and transform them into positive or neutral ones. This is a crucial skill that can lead to a more optimistic and resilient mindset, improving both your personal and professional life.

Our time together will be interactive and hands-on. We'll start with some foundational concepts about negative thinking and its effects. Then, we'll move on to identifying common negative thought patterns. You'll get the chance to practice challenging and reframing these thoughts through exercises and group discussions. Finally, we'll explore daily practices that can help maintain a positive outlook.

click here to enquire about this workshop

A Workshop in Reframing Negative Thoughts and Negative Thinking through Journaling

Welcome to "Journaling Your Way to Positivity: Reframing Negative Thoughts"! In this workshop, you'll explore the transformative power of journaling as a tool for cultivating a more positive mindset and managing negative thoughts effectively.

Negative thoughts can often overshadow your experiences, impacting your mental well-being and hindering your personal growth. However, by leveraging the practice of journaling, you can gain insights into your thought patterns, challenge limiting beliefs, and reframe your perspectives in a more constructive light.

Throughout this workshop, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, delving into the art of journaling and its profound impact on your psychological resilience. From understanding the nature of negative thoughts to learning practical cognitive reframing techniques, each step of the way will equip you with invaluable tools to navigate the landscape of your mind with clarity and compassion.

Whether you're seeking relief from persistent negative thinking or simply curious about the therapeutic benefits of journaling, this workshop offers a welcoming space for exploration and growth.  Unlock the potential of your journaling practice to cultivate a brighter, more resilient mindset.

click here to enquire about this workshop


Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with CognitiveMind is in English.