Your life is a reflection of your thoughts.
Brian Tracey

Applying for your Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring Skills from CognitiveMind requires you to write a Reflective Essay on a topic of your choosing.
Writing a reflective essay involves examining and expressing your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences about a particular topic or event.

This is your Reflective Essay incorporating Coaching and/or Mentoring Skills...
... which should incorporate your learnings from the CognitiveMind Coaching and Mentoring Skills material, as well as your personal and professional experiences.

The topic you choose will reflect on how you plan to incorporate the coaching and mentoring skills you have learnt, in your professional life or your personal life.

It is recommended that you include the changes you wish to make in the way in which you incorporate your learnings, and that these changes should be identified as time-framed goals.

Your reflection:

  • should have a Title that is appropriate to the focus of your reflection.

  • should be a minimum of 2,500 words.
    As a rule of thumb, a standard A4 page with default margins, 12 point font size, and 1.5 line spacing contains on average 400 to 500 words.

  • should have a maximum of 5,000 words.

  • should be submitted in PDF format, or in MS Word format.

  • should be formatted with a paragraph style of ‘justified’.

  • can include quotes, which should be highlighted with “quote marks”, followed by the name of the person whose quote you are using.

  • should include:

    • an introduction, the body of your reflections, and a conclusion.
    • a biography at the end (no more than 500 words).
    • a glossary of terms.
    • a list of all your additional reading and reference material.


Can a Reflective Essay be Wrong?

In the traditional sense, a reflective essay is more about personal experiences, opinions, and insights rather than factual correctness. It’s a subjective form of writing where you reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to this course and your learnings. Therefore, it’s not necessarily “wrong” in the way that a statement of fact could be incorrect.

However, reflective essays can still fall short in other ways. For instance, if the reflections lack depth or insight, if they are poorly structured or expressed, or if they misrepresent your true feelings or experiences, then the essay may not effectively achieve its intended purpose.

While there may not be a definitive “right” or “wrong” in terms of factual accuracy, there can still be criteria by which the effectiveness or quality of a reflective essay is judged. This includes coherence, honesty, depth of reflection, and the ability to engage the reader in your experiences and insights.


Use the form to submit your Reflection:


Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with CognitiveMind is in English.