The Aim

'To provide an environment in which Coaches can pursue continual professional development to attain and maintain the highest possible standards. NMC pledges itself to the continual implementation of whatconstitutes best practice in the pursuit of excellence withinthe Coaching profession.'  

The Code   

All staff, tutors, students,graduates, associates and members of NMC agree to abide by the following:  

Client and Coach Relationship   

  1. All clients are to be treated with dignity,honour, confidentialityand integrity, fully respecting their values,beliefs and goals.  
  2. All commercial agreements must behonest, fair for all partiesconcerned and be honoured at all times bythe Coach.  
  3. Commercial agreements are to be clearly statedand worded to avoid any confusion. All such agreements are to include the expectations of both parties and be fully explained at the beginning of the coaching relationship.
  4. Coaches shall suggest different coaches or resources when the client's needs would be better served.
  5. Whenever the potential for a conflict of interest arises, coaches shall, immediately discuss the conflict with the client and advise NMC, if appropriate.  All conflicts of interest are to be resolved in whatever way best serves the client.
  6. The Code of Conduct will be made freely available to clients upon request.
  7. Every Coach shall consider it their responsibility to withdraw from practice if life circumstances renders them 'unfit' to offer the highest standards of care to their client e.g. during periods of ill health. 
  8. In cases where the Coach has a dual qualification and additional professional responsibility (e.g. member of the emergency or medical services) it shall become their professional responsibility to be aware of any professional conflicts which may arise in terms of their duty of care of moral obligation and to seek any clarification needed form their relevant professional bodies.


  1. Respect the commercial confidentiality of clients or colleagues by not divulging business information to any third party.
  2. Obtain written permission from any client or potential client before releasing their names as referees.
  3. Respect the absolute rights of clients' confidentiality, except as expressly permitted by the client or potential client in writing or as required by law.
  4. Refrain from offering professional information or advice that you know to be confidential, misleading, or where the accuracy is beyond your competence to assess.
  5. Respect all copyrights, agreements, work, intellectual property, trade-marks, and comply with all laws covering such areas.

Professional Conduct

  1. Always conduct yourself to the highest levels of ethics, integrity, accountability and responsibility.
  2. Maintain the good reputation of the coaching profession.
  3. Comply with both the spirit and the letter of any commercial agreements made with clients, potential clients, professional colleagues and NMC.
  4. Represent true level of status, title, competence and experience, in order not to mislead, misrepresent or defraud.
  5. Clearly state to clients and potential clients, the terms of any commercial agreement, including the expectations of both parties.
  6. Make no claims or implications of outcomes that cannot be demonstrated or guaranteed.
  7. Appropriately refer clients to other agencies, resources or coaches when these will be more appropriate to the clients' needs.
  8. Avoid all conflicts of interests, and give notice of such potential conflicts to NMC.
  9. Advise both NMC and the client on the risk of conflict if a relationship moves beyond coach/client situation.
  10. Refrain from offering professional information or advice that you know to be confidential, misleading, or where the accuracy is beyond your competence to assess.
  11. Respect all copyrights, agreements, work, intellectual property, trade-marks, and comply with all laws covering such areas.
  12. At all times maintain standards, values and methodologies.
  13. Refrain from coaching minors (people who have not had their 18th birthday) unless the express, written consent of parent, guardian or teacher as appropriate, has been obtained.
  14. Coaches shall inform NMC immediately if a situation arises which may create conflict, or generate litigation or bad publicity in relation to their Coaching practice.
  15. Uphold all the laws and bye-laws of the UK and, if working abroad or coaching clients based abroad, with the laws of the client's country.
  16. Ensure that all promotional materials, regardless of their format, are legal, decent, truthful, honest and comply with the requirements of the UK Advertising Standards Authority.
  17. Coaches must take out professional indemnity insurance.